Tank Internal Chemical Corrosion Protection
Internal surface of this Sulphur Solution Storage Tank is constantly in contact

Tank Internal Corrosion & Abrasion Protection Lining
These newly fabricated mild steel tanks were intended for storing sludge which

Tank External Chemical Corrosion Protection
The external surface of these tanks are exposed to chemical fumes, moisture

Structures Protection to Chemical & Steam Exposure
Billet Caster’s supporting structures which are exposed to high temperature steam

Structural Protection to High Temperature & Chemical Steam Exposure
Structural I Beams, horizontal channels inside slab

Steam Fan Casing Chemical Corrosion Protection
Hot steam having continuous wet temperature around 100° C mixed with various

Sludge Clarifier Mechanism Corrosion Protection
This huge clarifier mechanism is intended for the purpose of clarification

Scrubber Internal Corrosion Protection
Specifically, Venturi Scrubber surface has been undergoing extreme chemical

Pump Casing-Valves Chemical Corrosion Protection
External surface of these solution circulating pumps and

Pump Base Frames Protection Coatings
These newly fabricated mild steel pump base frames were to be placed inside

Primary Gas Coolers Corrosion Protection
Primary Gas Coolers (PGC) are experiencing severe degree of corrosion as

Preheater Structural Saline & Chemical Corrosion Protection
These mid steel structures of the Preheater in a cement

Pipeline Internal Chemical Corrosion Protection
Corrosive sludge from gas scrubbers which contains chemical traces

Pipeline Header Chemical Corrosion Protection
External surface of these header pipelines are experiencing severe degree

Gas Compressor Silencer Tank Chemical Corrosion Protection
The internal surface of these silencers have been

Decomposition Boiler Chemical Corrosion Protection
The external surface of this decomposition boiler being

Concrete Soft Water Tank Corrosion Protection
The water being stored in this concrete chamber is likely to be soft

Coke Dry Quenching Structure Corrosion Protection
Coke at around 1050 °C is transported to the top

Chimney Internal Protection Coating
This Chimney was to be replaced in view of reduction in metal thickness

Chemical Corrosion Protection Of Cooling Water Pipelines
These cooling water pipelines running through harsh

Bag House Chemical Corrosion Protection Coating
During the operation, the gases entering the bag house

Back Wash Filter Internal Protection
Back Wash Filter of Billet Caster internal surface is undergoing extreme

Electrostatic Tar Precipitator Corrosion Protection
External surface of these Electrostatic Tar Precipitators are constantly in

Screw Conveyor Corrosion & Abrasion Protection
This slurry coming out of the scrubber is meant to reach the thickener via

Conveyor Structure - Saline Corrosion Protection
Severe deterioration of metal surface is noticed over vertical legs, horizontal

Gas Pipeline External Corrosion Protection
These pipeline external surface is in continuous contact of the gaseous

LRS Tank Internal Corrosion Protection
Mild steel internal surface of LRS tank is always coming in contact with chemical

Ship Unloader Structural Saline Corrosion Protection
This huge ship unloader structure which is stationed at the tip of the sea has

Degasser Tank External Corrosion Protection
These degasser tanks are subjected to corrosion, abrasion & cavitation

Vertical Circulating Water Pump
In power plants, vertical circulating water pumps internal surface is subjected